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41 search results for: young global


The Story of Maji Safi Group’s Young Global Citizen Program

Erna Maj was born and raised in Denmark and immigrated to the US in 1978. She received her undergraduate degree in American Studies from City University of New York and her master’s degree from the University of Colorado in Linguistics and Teaching English to Students of Other Languages (TESOL). After raising three sons and working […]


Young Global Citizens: Global Improvement Project

Maji Safi GIP at Casey Middle School If you are a student in Mr. Lurie’s Leadership Class at Casey Middle School in Boulder, you know what PIPs, CIPs, BIPs and GIPs are – Personal Improvement Projects, Casey Improvement Projects, Boulder Improvement Projects, and Global Improvement Projects. The first three have existed for a long time; […]


Young Global Citizens: Global Awareness through Reading

Second Annual Maji Safi Read-a-Thon at Whittier International School Read-a-thons are a great win-win situation where the participating students improve their own reading skills, learn global citizenship, and help others. Schools or individual families can do read-a-thons. Like last year, students at Whittier International School in Boulder teamed up to support Maji Safi Group. This […]


Maji Safi Group’s 2022 Water Walks

Text and photos by Erna Maj – Erna has served as Maji Safi Group’s Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator for several years. She thoroughly enjoys running our Young Global Citizen Program and visits our on-the-ground projects in Tanzania on a regular basis.  Imagine Imagine a health care facility (HCF) where there is no safe water source. […]