A great public service and a metric to measure disease prevalence amongst current and potential program participants.
Since 2015, MSG has conducted an annual Health Screening Campaign as a public service and a way to monitor the impact of MSG’s WASH education. Participants are tested for amoebas, intestinal worms, bilharzia (parasitic worms), and malaria—all common water-related diseases. In cooperation with the Rorya District Medical Office and practicum students from the US, MSG screens participants and provides them with appropriate medications and educational flyers. Since 2015, MSG has screened over 18,000 people. Health screenings help patients keep track of their well-being and provide an incentive for community members to get involved in MSG programs. In addition, the health screening results enable MSG to compare the disease rates of our program participants to those of community members who have not received our education.
The results consistently and clearly show significantly lower disease rates for our program participants!