United States Programs
Local initiatives aid MSG’s efforts to raise awareness of the global WASH crisis and address the public health issues affecting Tanzania.
Activities are open to anyone interested in supporting education, empowering women, and transforming the public health of rural Africa.

Young Global Citizens
Along the Front Range of Colorado, students of all ages and cultural and economic backgrounds participate in a variety of interactive education events. Activities, like soap making, art classes, water walks, crowd funding, and read-a-thons, provide students with enjoyable and memorable lessons about:
- global awareness,
- social responsibility,
- the global WASH crisis,
- participatory development, and
- cultural sensitivity and empathy.
Awareness Raising
To spread awareness through all sectors of our population, we use two approaches. Presentations on the global WASH crisis, our interventions, and getting involved are given to:
- schools and universities,
- clubs and foundations,
- churches,
- art classes, and
- businesses.

Tabling Events
Tabling Events are a way to host fun activities, sell soap, spread awareness, and sign people up to follow our mission. Tabling events are held at:
- student centers,
- expos,
- symposiums and conferences,
- international holiday celebrations, and
- local stores and groceries.
Practicum Fellow Program
Maji Safi Group invites university students to make their learning experience meaningful by using their knowledge to strengthen MSG’s mission locally or internationally, while developing their skill sets and resumes. We accept undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students with specific interests in public health, social work, environmental studies, natural sciences, fine arts, international studies, nonprofit studies, business, and other related fields. MSG works with students in both Tanzania and the US. To get involved students can:
- create a partnership with Maji Safi Group and their university or college,
- research issues important to Maji Safi Group’s efforts, and
- work with our team in Tanzania for 3+ months.
To apply or set up a university partnership, please contact info@majisafigroup.org.

Support MSG by shopping at our market. It is available all year round and is always open at our fundraising events and for holiday shopping. It offers authentic arts and crafts items from Tanzania, handcrafted items made from African fabrics, and items and gift certificates solicited from restaurants and businesses in the Boulder community. It is wonderful way to delight friends and family with unique gifts and support our work at the same time.
For more information, please contact Erna Maj at erna@majisafigroup.org or 720.244.5154.